Hull Assembly

Buttoning up the Bow

Before the final hull side pieces can go on I need to install the bow deck. This means I need to get the forward compartment filled with foam, bow eye ready for install, and then get as much work complete in the forward storage area as I can before the space gets really cramped. Forward […]

Cabin Cockpit

Cockpit Deck Installed

Very glad to be at this point. I’ve had my fill of working in the lower levels of the boat. Plus, this is a refreshing visual change. Even though lots of small tasks have been happening, the boat has generally looked the same for a while. Since the last post I’ve done some paint touch […]

Cabin Electrical

Nearly Ready for Cockpit Deck

It is now the first week of February and besides just a couple minor touchups I am ready to install the cockpit decking. Thinking back to September, I remember my timeline was that this decking would be installed the last week in October. So I’m only three months behind. Things always take longer than on […]

Cabin Electrical Hull Assembly

On the Road to A Cockpit Deck

I’m thinking ahead to installing the cockpit decking and working my way backwards to figure what I need to do next. Certain things must be done prior to install and other things might be much easier if done prior to install. So right now I have several mini-projects going on at once. Once my deck […]


Cockpit Deck Cleats

Now that the transom is on it’s time to install all the cleating that will support the cockpit decking. All of this is pretty straightforward, and I simply followed the manual. I did break down and buy a really long level (60″ I think) which was very helpful. I started with the transom. You’ll notice […]

Cabin Electrical

Electrical Plan & Prep

I don’t have my electrical plan completely nailed down, but I’ve been giving it a bit of thought as I don’t want to build past any infrastructure I might need in place. Here’s what I’m planning on… I considered a bilge pump but decided against it since the boat will probably be stored dry. Just […]

Hull Assembly

Transom, fillets & glass

After the hull sides were completely stitched, I laid fillet ‘tack welds’ along the joints from stem to stern. I then removed the stitches but only from the bow to bulkhead #8. I then ran large fillets along that length only. I stopped at BH8 because I had not yet installed the transom and wanted […]

Hull Assembly

Installing Hull Sides

It’s been about three and a half months since my last post. Since then I’ve done some thinking and work towards electrical components, installed some deck plates and installed the hull sides and transom. None of that took a terribly long time to do. I’ve also been out of town on the weekends a fair […]


Painting the Bilge

I can’t wait to see the floors installed but I don’t want to sand/paint the bilge. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this got me stalled out for a while. Begrudgingly I’ve finally gotten in gear. I had already done the bulk of the bilge sanding but the bulk part is also the easy […]


Finishing the Floorboards

I hit quite a stall during Christmas and haven’t gotten much done in a while. It’s that bilge. The thought of sanding all those nooks and crannies multiple times I think just ran me down. I did however get all my floorboards ready for install as that part was fairly easy and so more fun […]